OHTEP β€˜23 Highlight Reel & GZ Topper Interactivity Features

πŸ‘‹ OHIO friends. What a trip and what an incredible pinball scene in Ohio, thank you for hosting us for OHTEP β€˜23!

We had such an absolute blast hanging with you our new friends on our 3 Ohio stops. We want to be sure and give a BIG thank you for coming out and a very special shout out to Jeff (Mad Pinball), Rob (216), Corbin (Angeli Stark Novelty), John (Darkroom Pinball), and Rob Berk (Past Times Arcade) for making this such an amazing visit for us. It’s safe to say, we shall return!

Check out the video above for all the latest and great interactivity that we’ve built into the GZ Topper. Learn more and sign up for the waitlist here.


Bio goes here.


GZ Topper is Best Mod of Show @ EXPO β€˜23


MOTEP β€˜23 - Our First Launch Party in St. Louis